Emphasis on Health, Temperament, Conformation & Movement

TreeLine Siberians
About Us

A dog has no use for fancy cars, big homes, or designer clothes. A water log stick will do just fine.
A dog doesn't care if you're rich or poor, clever or dull, smart or dumb. Give him your heart and he'll give you his.
How many people can you say that about? How many people can make you feel rare and pure and special?
How many people can make you feel extraordinary?
- Marley and Me

Our Story
The Snyder family had the vision for TreeLine Siberians shortly after acquiring their first Siberian, Ara ("Jalerran's Ara Stop the Rain").
They had always admired the breed, but they never knew that the love they had for their own pet would lead them to their keen interest in preserving all of those qualities that are unique to the Siberian Husky, through careful and responsible breeding.
Kevin and Mara met while studying at the University of Notre Dame. After graduation, Mara, Kevin, Ara and their small Cairn Terrier, Oliver, moved to Madison, WI, where Kevin was to begin a DVM degree program at the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine. In this time, Kevin and Mara began doing research on how to go about living out their Siberian dream.
After much research, Kevin and Mara acquired their first show dog, Sorin ("AKC/UKC Ch. Jalerran's Brown Eyed Girl"). Sorin was a littermate to Kevin and Mara's Ara, whom was sold under a contract agreement that she would return to the breeder at some point to have a litter, due to the fact that she had a promising conformation and exceptional pedigree. Unfortunately, Sorin ended up having to be returned to the breeder at six months of age, for the fact that her first family suffered a significant loss that forced them to give up their beloved pet. Soon after seeing the breeder's announcement of Sorin's availability, Kevin and Mara jumped at the opportunity to reunite the two sisters.
Upon acquiring Sorin, both Kevin and Mara were hard at work preparing Sorin, as well as themselves, for their first bouts in the conformation show ring. It was decided that Mara and Sorin would get their start in the United Kennel Club (UKC) conformation events before exposing themselves in the "more competitive" American Kennel Club (AKC) shows. The pair were pleasantly surprised when Sorin finished her UKC title in the fewest number of shows possible (four best of winners under four different judges, one best of breed win and one reserve best in show win)! Sorin finished her AKC champion title on February 23, 2014, when she took Winners Bitch and Best of Winners for her final required major win at the International Kennel Club of Chicago Dog Show.
What's most important to Kevin and Mara is that all of their siberians are happy and HEALTHY members of the Snyder family. It is this fact that has and will always be the most important guiding principle for all of Kevin and Mara's future efforts at preserving the Siberian Husky breed. Both Kevin and Mara acknowledge the fact that there is no single test that can guarantree the whole health of any dog brought into this world, but they feel that it is their resonsiblility to take advantage of those tests that have been developed and that can help them to make enlightened decisions when it comes to breeding any and all of their dogs.
The TreeLine mission is to produce Siberian Husky offspring, that not only conform to the breed standard, but also lead long and healthy lives, free from any and all hereditary diseases.

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know that TreeLine Siberians is a reputable breeder?
Reputable breeders do NOT breed their dogs for the sake of breeding and selling puppies. For someone to be considered a reputable breeder, they must act as ambassadors for their breed. Reputable breeders participate in breed specific activities with their dogs, i.e. conformation dog shows, sledding, weight pulls, etc. Additionally, a reputable breeder utilizes any and all available health screening technologies on parent dogs to minimize the possibility of passing on genetic diseases/disorders to offspring produced. Lastly, a reputable breeder does not sell puppies to just anyone. Purchasers of puppies from a reputable breeder should expect to endure a lengthy screening process, which involves interviews, home visits, contracts, spay/neuter requirements for puppies being sold as pets, etc. Reputable breeders like to think of their puppies as extensions of their family; any breeder who is prepared to sell a puppy without doing a thorough check on their puppy's future home is NOT a reputable breeder. These are all standards/guiding practices for our breeding program at TreeLine Siberians.
What sets TreeLine apart from other reputable breeders?
Here at TreeLine we are not interested in finishing and producing the greatest number of Champions. We breed our dogs for our own personal needs and to keep alive the amazing tradition of the Siberian Husky breed. Our dogs are our family members; they find their way into our hearts, and unfortunately, they leave us way sooner than we would like. It is our intention to help those dogs, whom we have loved, live on through their children, grandchildren, and so on. For us, the dog(s) we have come to love so much is the Siberian Husky. Make no mistake, TreeLine has spent countless hours getting to know this breed, and has made it a point to breed only those husky dogs who exhibit superior health, temperament and conformation. The point that is being made here, is that TreeLine is not a breeder who will be pumping out litter after litter. TreeLine will only breed as their needs arise. Most females at TreeLine will have no more than 2-3 litters in their lifetime and only when they are at an optimal breeding age. This could mean that there may be long periods of time when there are no litters being produced at TreeLine. This is the TreeLine difference.
How many litters does TreeLine produce per year?
As was previously mentioned, TreeLine breeds only as their needs arise. If you are interested in acquiring a TreeLine puppy, please feel free to contact us at anytime. We can usually estimate when we will be planning on breeding any one of our dogs. Additionally, if a planned breeding is in the near future, it will be posted to our website.
What are TreeLine's criteria for breeding?
First and foremost, all breeding candidates at TreeLine must undergo and pass OFA hip testing after the age of 2, and have a 'normal' OFA CAER eye exam within the year of the planned breeding. These tests are a mandatory expense for TreeLine to be sure that they are breeding puppies in the interest of health and longevity. Additionally, in order for TreeLine to consider breeding one of their dogs, he/she must prove themselves as good representations of the Siberian Husky breed, by competing in the conformation show ring. And finally, as breed ambassadors, any breeding candidate at TreeLine must exhibit a sound 'Siberian Husky' temperament (friendly, happy, goofy, family pet...).
Copyright 2014 Kevin and Mara Snyder - TreeLine Siberian Huskies in Alaska. All Rights Reserved.